
Say bye bye

What a week. And it's only Tuesday! Just got the boot from my job of 3 years. Slaving over a hot computer, breaking my back in air-conditioned comfort--who needs it? Me. That's who. Guess I'll have to pound the pavement and find something else.


Oh yeah; happy birthday to me. Almost forgot my own birthday. Sheesh.

Back to the grind

Back to work today after a week off. Camping for a few days, if you must know. It was great to be outdoors again. Five Islands Provincial Park is the place to camp. 300 ft cliffs, fog, waves, trails not for the faint of heart, even live entertainment by the local critters. Near Parrsboro, NS. Only 2 hours drive from home and highly recommended. Yes. By me.


Another pub fave

Another pub fave: The Old Triangle in Halifax. How can anyone resist Roasted Garlic Soup? Even better than it sounds.


Le Cyclisme

Yellow doesn't mean scared anymore; it means winner. Just ask Lance Armstrong. (he's still in the yellow jersey). Just dye your skin yellow, Lance - it's your colour, man. For the past 3 weeks we were parked in front of the tube gawking at the exploits of you and other maniacs in Le Cyclisme. And thanks a lot. How can I go back to watching MLB after that? Btw, thanks to OLN Canada for carrying coverage this year. We missed you in 2004.


Another hole in the head

So, after a relaxing time off, we finished it off by discovering a leak in our roof. Yippee. I was looking forward to that like another hole in the head.